Labels:text | menu | document | number | paper | handwriting OCR: Calculation Features fp. RMS, FFT, p'm, trend, dus , rise, fall, Depth Per Chsosel ves delay, overshoot, settling. Pa to Pr, mean. integrate, deviation, others IMOY E.L.P ve's yes yes 1000 words fp 52:395 IMS2, 35DF 32KS fip. RMS, FFT, pim, rise, fall, max, min VE!S. IMS2, 35DF 32KS Fp, RMS, FFT, pm, rise, fall, max, min S1,146 EM£2. 35pF 32KS Up. RMS. Fr.T. p'm, risc, fall, inax, min ves 53.328 IMOR. 25PF E. I. $549 IMO, 25pF yC 512 S En. RMS. FFT. I'm, phase, rise, integrate 5129 Dr. RMS. plm, phase, rise, time between no $2,195 cursors mat! 10 $1.629 $2,250 $2.390 500 1MSL OF 10 00 1 yes 3 52,600 500 IMQ or no Ves $3.800 IMO F.1. «K'S cv, dt, Ikit, ratio and phase yes $2,075 IMQ of E. L. G ves 16KS Pp. RMS, FFT. p/m, integrate, differentiate. $3.57: 5042 and histogramm E. L. G. P.S 32KS $5.850 IMO I6KS yCS F. I. G. P.S VES 32KS $$6,925 IMI2, 30pE E. L. G yes JOKS fp. RMS. FFT. p/m. available waveform. 51,620 th processor $5:485 FMI2, 28pF E. L. G. C. VER Up, RMS, pim $2.79: IMQ. E.L. G. C 5019 fp. RMS, pom, max. min; rise, overshoot, no 52:650 28 pl FW. area Op. RMS. FFT. pim VCS $3.275 15 OF 50ES fp. RMS, FFE, p'm, arca. Pili overshoot. yOS $1.200 to 500, 181F rise, max, min $4,839 yes 50KS yes $6,300 500, 18pF fp. KMS, p'm, max, min, rischme, over- shoot, PW, area fip Frequency/Period; RMS-RMS averaging; FFT-Fast Fourier Transform; p/m-Peaks/Minimums